Super Excited!

Friday, October 15, 2010
I am so excited! Why, you might ask, is this girl so excited? Well, let me tell you about it...

First of all, I bet you never have those periods in your life where you think to yourself "I know God has a plan for me. I do! I just wish I knew what the heck it was!"

Yeah, I know. Everyone has those periods, but sometimes I feel like my whole life is lived in this period of uneasy, half-hearted trust. I don't think you can actually call it trust when you are holding on to your trembling confidence by the very tips of your fingernails. To be honest, sometimes, I'm just curled up in the corner hoping no one realizes that my confidence level has dipped dramatically!

Anyway...Alex and I have been wondering when we would have the opportunity to get married and start a family. It didn't even seem like a real possibility. It is definitely something that makes me want to throw up my hands and say "So, God, what IS the plan? I wouldn't mind knowing, if that's alright with you. No, seriously. I wouldn't mind. I'm getting a little frustrated here!"

So, we talked about it, and we decided we really needed to start asking God "What's the plan?" or at least "What's the next step?"

Then, this week, like a hurricane of blessings rolling in... I was able to sign up for a photography class I've wanted to attend for about a year or so AND Alex got a call back for a job interview.
Not just any job interview. A job interview with a starting salary that means that...

1) We have an actual chance of getting married
2) We could do it debt-free (which is way high up on our list of goals!)
3) We could live WAY below our means and save like crazy people, which would give us the opportunity to...
4) Adopt way sooner than we ever dreamed!

So, dear friends, I am super excited.
I am requesting that you pray for us that...

1) Alex gets this amazing job
2) I do great in my class
3) I can build my business quickly and
4) We stay excited no matter what happens!

I've already told God that I am accepting that He might have something better for us, but if not, I am humbly requesting that He grant us this opportunity.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Lots of Love,
Your Favorite Ragamuffin


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